Tag Archives: Speech

Three Magic Words

It was in the meeting room when Mark first had the thought. He stood staring haplessly at her, unable to speak or react. He kept getting distracted by her big green eyes and flowing red hair, but it was her voice that captivated him. This was going to be a long meeting.

As Mark sat in his chair, shifting uncomfortably, he paid attention to every word she said. It was almost too surreal to believe. Mark, a veteran of 15 years in the field of venture capitalism, having heard every sales pitch invented, was hooked on to every word that a young 27 year old CEO of a small tech startup was saying.

Mark leaned on his desk, his eyes unwavering from her face, a million thoughts rushing through his head. Should he just blurt it out? Or should he wait for her to finish and then tell her in private? The dilemma was killing him on the inside. He wanted the earth to split asunder and swallow him. At least that would save him from this predicament.

Over the course of the next two hours, Mark’s sense of unease grew exponentially. He thought to himself,” Mark, you are a 40 year old man. Have some courage goddamnit!!” He looked at his reflection in the glass table and realized he was flushed and sweaty. He took a deep breath and wiped his sweaty brow. He was going to do it. He was going to say it to her.

He raised his hand to interrupt her and calmly stood up. He tossed the 30 page document, detailing the most ridiculous business plan he had ever seen, aside and walked up to her with a false sense of confidence. He looked at her straight in the eye, her eyes puzzled, his eyes soft and compassionate. He mustered every last ounce of courage in his being and said the three magic words.

“ Go f**k yourself.”

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